Leonardo da Vinci


An arrival worthy of a rock star

In Autumn 1516, a curious crew crossed the Amboise city ramparts as a gathering crowd watched on. Perched on a mule, a proud old man with a white beard observed this environment which would come to form part of his everyday life from then on. In his chariot lay a multitude of boxes filled with books, parchments and all sorts of objects, including the portrait of a young woman, whose enigmatic smile continues to evoke great passion today. We’re sure you recognise him: it’s Leonardo da Vinci himself!

« Here, Leonardo, you will be free to dream, think and work »

At the age of 64, he had just accepted the invitation of King Francis I to come and enjoy a happy and studious retirement in his ‘beautiful town of Amboise’. The king offered him the Manoir du Cloux, along with his two Milanese companions, Francesco Melzi and Battista da Vilanis. As the  ” king’s first painter, architect and engineer “, Leonardo soon got to work on a host of large-scale projects for the king, who never missed an opportunity to visit him. As such, when Leonardo passed away on 2 May 1519, Francis I cried for he who he affectionately referred to as ‘padre’, ensuring a very moving funeral for the great artist

Ateliers de Léonard de Vinci au Château du Clos Lucé

A universal genius

Amboise would be forever marked by Leonardo da Vinci’s time here. In the Château du Clos Lucé, discover the Maestro’s room, along with his studios, bearing witness to the effervescent creativity of the most inventive Renaissance artist. Then, dive into the everyday life of this master alongside Mathurine, his loyal cook, who will treat you to some of her most scintillating anecdotes. Afterwards, make your way through the Clos Lucé Park and try out some of his extraordinary interactive inventions! Finally, gather in the Saint-Hubert Chapel of the Château Royal, upon the tomb of history’s greatest genius. His avant-garde work has crossed the centuries and, from New York to Beijing, he is today a universal figure

The everyday life of Leonardo da Vinci, retold by Mathurine

Still today, Mathurine perpetuates the memory of her master Leonardo da Vinci. Meet this brilliant artist’s charming cook for a fun discovery of his final residence in Clos Lucé. An interactive guided tour packed full of anecdotes and specially adapted to children.

Visite avec Mathurine au Clos Lucé
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